日時 KIN 51 宇宙の月(27)11:21:40 (2007年7月23日)
タイトル about Mr.Hayao Kawai
内容 The passing of Mr. Hayao Kawai is a profound reminder of the continued need to build bridges of greater understanding among all peoples and traditions in this world. With his reputation as a Jungian scholar and researcher of the archetypal depths ofthe collective mind, Mr. Kawai’s efforts did a tremendous amount to bring our consciousness into the threshold of a new vision of ourselves and our destiny on this planet. His regard for the traditional values of our common cultural heritage were well integrated into his perceptions of who we are really are in today’s world. Let us each pause and consider how we can each do better to overcome our differences and rise to a higher level of collective consciousness. Then we wll really pay our respects to Mr. Hayao Kawai.
